Hello Dear,
Not applied yet because sat sun off days and i dont have remote or VPN access of the Systems.
Will apply your suggestion tomorrow.
I will create jobs simultaneously because JOB count is known as per DBCLONE.ELG Log tail,,, check n suggest.
3 ETQ399 7643 entries matched.
2 ETQ399 Added 7643 empty tables.
1 ETQ399 Distributing 12986 tables on 3 processes.
1 ETQ399 Process 1 will copy 4318 tables with total size of 4235.360988 MB.
1 ETQ399 Process 2 will copy 4333 tables with total size of 4235.360917 MB.
1 ETQ399 Process 3 will copy 4335 tables with total size of 4235.360948 MB.
1 ETQ399 Total size cloned: 12706.082852 MB.
2 ETQ399 Requested task ID is 'CLONE_DISTTABLES'.
3 ETQ399 'LIST': Distributed 12986 statements.
3 ETQ399 Generated TQL file 'CLONEINIT.SQL' with 1 SQL statements, log file 'SQLDBSCRIPT.OUT'.
4 ETQ276 Executing SQL-script "CLONEINIT.SQL"
3 ETQ120 20160310120834: PID 5368 execute 'U:\SUM\abap\bin\SAPuptool execdb ..\var\CLONEINIT.SQL', output written to 'U:\SUM\abap\log\SQLSTMTSTD.OUT'.
3 ETQ123 20160310120843: PID 5368 exited with status 0 (time 0.000 real)
3 ETQ399 Reading SQL output from 'SQLDBSCRIPT.OUT'.
1 ETQ399 Number of scheduled processes: 3
2 ETQ399 Requested task ID is 'CLONE_CHK_DISTTABLES'.
4 ETQ399 Preparing internal output table 'LIST' to receive named fields.
3 ETQ399 Generated TQL file 'CHECKCLONEDIST.TQL' with 1 SQL statements, log file 'CHECKCLONEDIST.LOG'.
4 ETQ276 Executing SQL-script "CHECKCLONEDIST.TQL"
3 ETQ120 20160310120843: PID 3580 execute 'U:\SUM\abap\bin\SAPuptool execdb ..\var\CHECKCLONEDIST.TQL', output written to 'U:\SUM\abap\log\SQLSTMTSTD.OUT'.
3 ETQ123 20160310120844: PID 3580 exited with status 0 (time 0.000 real)
3 ETQ399 Reading selections from 'CHECKCLONEDIST.LOG'.
4 ETQ399 Read 0 entries for table 'LIST'.
2 ETQ399 Starting 3 jobs:
4 ETQ265 Starting report "RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES" with variant "SAP_DBCLONE_1" in batch
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SMD", AsHost="ABCKHIHO12" Nr="00", GwHost="ABCKHIHO12", GwService="sapgw00"
2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120844
1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_ABORT_ON_ERROR" = ""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_AUTHCKNAM" = "DDIC"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHHOST" = "ABCKHIHO12"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_JOBNAME" = "DBCLONE1"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_SCHEDEVER" = " "
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARIANTTEXT" = "Parallel tables cloning"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARNAME" = "SAP_DBCLONE_1"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_LANGUAGE" = "E"
2 ETQ399 Table TT_REPORTPARAM (#8):
3 ETQ399 "LOGFILE","P","","","DBCLONE01.SMD",""
3 ETQ399 "ORTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "CPTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "EXE","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "SHOWSQL","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "TABTYPE","P","","","1",""
3 ETQ399 "TABSMAP","P","","","TAIATRANS.DAT",""
3 ETQ399 "BRIDGE","P","","","",""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHINSTANCE" = ""
1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120845
2 ETQ373 parameter "EV_JOBCOUNT" = "12084500"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_STARTRC" = "0"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_VARIWRC" = "0"
4 ETQ311 Batch job "DBCLONE1" with job count "12084500" scheduled
4 ETQ265 Starting report "RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES" with variant "SAP_DBCLONE_2" in batch
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SMD", AsHost="ABCKHIHO12" Nr="00", GwHost="ABCKHIHO12", GwService="sapgw00"
2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120845
1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_ABORT_ON_ERROR" = ""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_AUTHCKNAM" = "DDIC"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHHOST" = "ABCKHIHO12"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_JOBNAME" = "DBCLONE2"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_SCHEDEVER" = " "
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARIANTTEXT" = "Parallel tables cloning"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARNAME" = "SAP_DBCLONE_2"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_LANGUAGE" = "E"
2 ETQ399 Table TT_REPORTPARAM (#8):
3 ETQ399 "LOGFILE","P","","","DBCLONE02.SMD",""
3 ETQ399 "ORTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "CPTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "EXE","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "SHOWSQL","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "TABTYPE","P","","","2",""
3 ETQ399 "TABSMAP","P","","","TAIATRANS.DAT",""
3 ETQ399 "BRIDGE","P","","","",""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHINSTANCE" = ""
1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120845
2 ETQ373 parameter "EV_JOBCOUNT" = "12084500"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_STARTRC" = "0"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_VARIWRC" = "0"
4 ETQ311 Batch job "DBCLONE2" with job count "12084500" scheduled
4 ETQ265 Starting report "RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES" with variant "SAP_DBCLONE_3" in batch
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SMD", AsHost="ABCKHIHO12" Nr="00", GwHost="ABCKHIHO12", GwService="sapgw00"
2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120845
1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_ABORT_ON_ERROR" = ""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_AUTHCKNAM" = "DDIC"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHHOST" = "ABCKHIHO12"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_JOBNAME" = "DBCLONE3"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_SCHEDEVER" = " "
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARIANTTEXT" = "Parallel tables cloning"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARNAME" = "SAP_DBCLONE_3"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_LANGUAGE" = "E"
2 ETQ399 Table TT_REPORTPARAM (#8):
3 ETQ399 "LOGFILE","P","","","DBCLONE03.SMD",""
3 ETQ399 "ORTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "CPTAB","P","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "EXE","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "SHOWSQL","P","","","X",""
3 ETQ399 "TABTYPE","P","","","3",""
3 ETQ399 "TABSMAP","P","","","TAIATRANS.DAT",""
3 ETQ399 "BRIDGE","P","","","",""
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHINSTANCE" = ""
1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20160310120846
2 ETQ373 parameter "EV_JOBCOUNT" = "12084600"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_STARTRC" = "0"
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_VARIWRC" = "0"
4 ETQ311 Batch job "DBCLONE3" with job count "12084600" scheduled
2 ETQ399 20160310120847: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120847: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120847: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:08:47: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310120917: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120917: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120917: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:09:17: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310120947: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120947: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310120947: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:09:47: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121017: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121017: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121017: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:10:17: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121047: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121047: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121047: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:10:47: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121117: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121117: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121117: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:11:17: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121148: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121148: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121148: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:11:48: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121218: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121218: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121218: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:12:18: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121248: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121248: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121248: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:12:48: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121318: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121318: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121318: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:13:18: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121348: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121348: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121348: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:13:48: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121418: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121418: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121418: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:14:18: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121448: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121448: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121448: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:14:48: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121518: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121518: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121519: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:15:19: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121549: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121549: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121549: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:15:49: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121619: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121619: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121619: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:16:19: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121649: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121649: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121649: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:16:49: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121719: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121719: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121719: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:17:19: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121749: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121749: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121749: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:17:49: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121819: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121819: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121819: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:18:19: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121849: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121849: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121849: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:18:49: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121919: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121919: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121919: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:19:19: sleeping 30 seconds
2 ETQ399 20160310121949: Job DBCLONE1 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121950: Job DBCLONE2 jobcount 12084500 still running...
2 ETQ399 20160310121950: Job DBCLONE3 jobcount 12084600 still running...
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:19:50: sleeping 30 seconds
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SMD", AsHost="ABCKHIHO12" Nr="00", GwHost="ABCKHIHO12", GwService="sapgw00"
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
3EETQ399 Checking job #0 'RSUPG_CLONE_TABLES' failed with RFC login to system SMD ashost ABCKHIHO12 nr 00 gwhost ABCKHIHO12 gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 8 key RFC_TIMEOUT: Timeout while opening a RFC connection.
2 ETQ399 2016/03/10 12:23:20: sleeping 30 seconds
Then our System down due to cloud issue.... and i have deleted the jobs..
I think picture is more clear to you now??