Hi All, I am working on SAP SNC configuration for ABAP RFC connections where I need to clarify few questions raised by project quality management team. Kindly help with the queries mentioned below: Question 1 If we enable SNC in RFC connection type 3. Is the actual data gets encrypted at sender end and decrypted at receiver end? • SAP document link mentioned below says that the data gets encrypted. http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/a2909b90-0201-0010-6da4-e1b600a43a3b?overridelayout=true• Sap help portal link says that the communication path gets encrypted http://help.sap.com/saphelp_erp60_sp/helpdata/en/e6/56f466e99a11d1a5b00000e835363f/content.htm?frameset=/en/7c/3f443c8c06702ee10 Question 2 How to trace the ABAP RFC and confirm it’s using SNC? As ST05 RFC trace doe not have any difference in trace logs when RFC is SNC enabled. Question 3 What are the functional scenarios impacted due to enabling SNC in ABAP type RFC?This is required to identify functional scenarios to be tested. This also raise another related query that how can we find out kind of where used list for a particular RFC.